
It should be so... and it WILL be so

Live from New York it's Friday afternoon. Welcome to the inaugural post of my smear campaign on Alex Popkin, Doug Warner, Tad Moses and Jim Dudley... but mostly Alex Popkin. Their blatant disregard for the readership of their blog (which I won't even link to because I don't want to generate traffic for them) has lit a fire under my buns and led me to create this little doozy that you're currently casting your gaze upon. Also, I felt kinda left out being one of the only people at work and on the sales team without a blog.

Anyways, those four gents have been so irresponsible with their blog, which is actually really funny when they get around to posting whenever the mood strikes them and the moon turns blue, that it's made me want to stab myself in the eyes with a stick of cinnamon chewing gum. So here it is folks... the DIShonest Male perspective. You may think the title is a blatant ripoff of their site, but I prefer to think of it as a spoof. You say potato, I say po-tah-to.... you know that old children's tale from the sea.

So, as this starts out as a smear campaign against the OTHER blog... to be honest, I probably don't have the conviction or the stamina to keep it up for very long. In subsequent posts, I'll probably move along to other topics, hopefully hilarious, hopefully entertaining but always straight from the bottom of my heart- and maybe someday those four guys will be lucky enough to grace these pages with a guest posting.... but I'll need to see a writing sample first.


At 7/14/2006 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I kinda like Alex, but am in complete agreement about the state of THMP. Kudos to you for deciding to do something about it. Just please, put down the cinnamon chewing gum. There's got to be a better way...


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