That squirrel can waterski- how about that?
A while back, I came across a YouTube clip of a bulldog skateboarding for a solid minute and a half. I chuckled heartily, passed it off as a fluke and thought nothign else of it. Fast forward to present, the 8th day of the third month of 2007. I'm reading my daily blog intake and I stumble across the little fella's website. As it turns out, he's an international movie and television star and has appeared on such shows as Rob & Big, TRL and even Martha Stewart. Pretty badass. Tyson is an inspiration to canines all over; not to mention Tyson is a pretty rad name for a dog. I await the day he learns how to pull off a kickflip... or a backside wallplant double Benihana Mctwist into a bluntslide. Rock on, Tyson.
I think there's something wrong with me- this is my third straight posting about dogs in a row. Maybe I should consider finally making the blog name change to Dishonest Pooch Perspective. I guess this is what happens when the Patriots and Red Sox are in the offseason and the Celtics are vying for the most ping pong balls instead of the most wins.
While we're on the topic, I'd much rather have Oden than Durant. Durant, Pierce and Green could never fit into the same lineup; meanwhile West/Rondo, Pierce, Green, Jefferson, Oden would be pretty damn serviceable.
Labels: Celtics, dogs, skateboarding