
How about I punch-a-size your face... for free!

Apparently compassion just isn't in the Burger King's vocabulary. Talk about some bad PR for the monarch of meat patties. Charging a severely injured boy for ice to nurse his wounds!! Are you kidding me??? Hey, I don't know how things work in Burger World, but here in reality, ice is frozen water. Water is free. You can drink it from a public water fountain, sip it from a babbling brook... hell, you can tilt your head back and open your mouth during a rainstorm - though I wouldn't recommend it. Water is a building block of life... and it does a body good. What's next? Charge for air?? This kind of behavior leads me to believe that the Burger King is not a kind ruler. In fact, he's probably downright ruthless. The Burger King is NOT a man of the people.

I always thought those 'EFFING BK commercials were pretty creepy. The guy just doesn't rub me the right way. I mean, yeah, he's bringing the people in these commercials a taste-tastic breakfast sandwich, which in most cultures is a pretty friendly gesture. However I'm not totally convinced that he's not just trying fatten them up so he can murder them and eat them Hannibal Lector-style and then wear their faces on top of his.


At 9/07/2006 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The King's agent is Drew Rosenhaus so I think that explains a lot.

At 9/08/2006 3:02 PM , Blogger Scott said...

I bet Rosenhaus has a clause in the King's contract that allows him to kill a locker room attendant once a month and turn him into breakfast sandwich meat.


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