
Throw ya choppaz up if ya feel me

So im still freakin sick . Death row 187 4 life. ive spizzay mah last two weekends try'n ta crazy ass nigga but it didnt do me an ounce of good in tha hood. im cough'n so often im weed-smokin' trippin' mah own lungs out mah chizzay ya dig?. wizzay ta see a doctor n all she could tell me was "let tha flu run its course , betta check yo self. thats all you can dizno." you wiznent ta 8 years of medical school, n i paid a twenty dollar co-pay fee fo` that?? thanks fo` tha diagnosis, doc.

So most of that last paragraph is probably unintelligible to you unless your last name's "Dogg". Don't worry about it- it's just me complaining about still being sick and not being able to do a goddamn thing about it... most of you probably don't care about that. You are, however, probably asking yourself "How did mah B-U-Double-Dizzy Scott Playa git so goddamn gangsta?" Well I didn't, but I did stumble upon a little thing called Gizoogle that allows me to pretend I'm a playa-hatin pimp that shows up on mo' 24's than Kiefer Sutherland. It even let's you view your favorite websites in tricked out jive. Always good for a laugh or two - especially if you're checkin out how the Nasdaq and the Dow are doin on CNN Money pages in the morning.


You think this a game?? You think this a F*C%ING GAME???? arf arf

So, there are a lot of things that are written on labels that just aren't really meant to be taken seriously- things like the FBI copyright warning at the beginning of DVDs, those tags on mattresses that threaten to toss you in the slammer if you remove them and those "Parental Advisory" warnings on CDs. Take it from your good pal Scotty B, the warning on cold & flu medicine packages that tell you not to drink alcohol with the medicine are not to be taken lightly. Don't do it. Not even a little bit.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a bazillion hour nap on my sheepskin rug.


I think I've got the black lung, pop.

Ok, so I caught the scarlet fever, or some sh*t down in Florida. I've been sick as a dog this past week. There was roughly a three-day stretch when I didn't leave my apartment. You'd think I would have written a Boston Globe's worth of blog entries with all that time on my hands. However, if I had written, it probably would have just all been bitching about how much my head hurt and how many ribs I cracked from coughing all day. I spared you all the grief, but here's what kept me busy:

The Patriots. So it was a close game. Big whoop, wanna fight about it? We still kicked ass. Apparently there's some pretty bad blood between Belicheck and Mangini, which adds a whole new dimension to the game. It would have been nice to know before the game, but even knowing it now, it makes the win that much sweeter. Plus, Belicheck now has the team right where he wants them- a perfect record at 2-0 but with PLENTY of mistakes and weaknesses that he can chew the players out for and use to keep the team motivated. P.S.- My new favorite NFL running back is Cor-ence Dill-roney.

Lost. I watched season 1 on DVD based on reccomendations from a lot of people. I was very pleased. Then I started watching season 2, live as the episodes aired. I lost interest faster than a penguin at a BBQ. Here's the thing- the show moves way too slowly for a person with a short attention span. The pace, in addition to the commercials, killed it for me. However, the show is absolutely money on DVD. There are so many subplots and details in the script, that I could sit and watch ten episodes in a row... and I have. So I just bought season 2 on DVD and I'm hooked again. When season 3 starts I'm going to need to rely on Tivo to elminate the commercials so I don't lose interest again.

Madden. I'm a firm supporter of Madden Day becoming a national holiday. Every year, the day that Madden is released, all men should be exempt from work. While the game's not as cool this year as I remember it being in the past, the highlight stick is pretty dope.

Tom Verducci's A-Rod article. I owe countless belly laughs and hours of entertainment to this article. I love that his own teammates hate him. He's a manufactured, obnoxious, arrogant headcase. Giambi bashes him quite a bit- though he publicly denied that it was bashing. He called it "tough love". Jeter clearly doesn't like him. Teammates think he's afraid of the ball. Reggie Jackson thinks he's a vajoinga. A-Rod's explanation for all of this? People hate him because he's so good-looking, he makes all that money and he plays on the best team.... keep telling yourself that Alex. I can't wait for him to implode in the playoffs and try to blatantly cheat his way on base again like he did against the Sox in '04.

Ikea Furniture. Just took a trip last week to pick up some furniture for my new room. I made out like a bandit and got some good deals on some pretty cool furniture. Except putting all of it together was about as much fun as beer-bonging a can of gasoline. My favorite purchase? A pimptastic sheepskin rug for the middle of my room... no assembly required.

My new rug (Blossom sold separately)


Welcome to Miami....

Well, not really Miami... Hollywood, Florida. I'm headin down there for work this week and I'm pretty stoked. I'm gonna come back with a killer sunburn. God, I hope it's like the Will Smith video...If you need anything urgent while I'm gone, please contact blogger extraodanaire, Robert Soffel. Otherwise, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm back. I've got a mean posting in the works comparing teams of the AFC East to characters from Desperate Housewives.... psych!


There she was just a walkin down the street singin do wah diddy diddy dum diddy doo

A few celebrity sightings this week... actually both were last Thursday at lunch between the hours of 1 and 2PM. The following are dramatizations and may not be real.

First, my colleagues and I take a seat at a local sushi restaurant, Nagomi. I turn to my right and notice a pretty quirky looking girl reading "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor" by Bruce Campbell and giggling to herself. I caught a glimpse of her face and did a double-take. I immediately knew she was famous, but didn't immediately recognize her. She wasn't stunning, but she had one of those faces that you just don't forget - even if she ages like 15 or 20 years. That's when it hit me, this girl was none other than Anna Chlumsky, former child-star actress of "My Girl" fame. She was also in a few other terrible movies, TV shows and surprisingly enough, she was in "Uncle Buck" too, a cult favorite.

I gotta say, Chlumsky was pretty cute. Not drop-dead gorgeous, but I'd do her... and by "do" I mean take her out for a nice meal of food, drop her off at her house and plant a gentlemanly kiss on her left cheek without trying anything funny. I did a little stalking at work when I got back and found that she's currently employed in New York as a restaurant reviewer for Zagat. Good to know.

As if meeting Veda Saltenfuss wasn't enough excitement for one day, I walked down the very same street on the way to the office and who do I spy with my little eye? Jim Halpert from award-winning and critically-acclaimed show, The Office. Well his real name is John Krasinski, but that didn't stop me from shouting "Jim!!! LOVE the show!!!" and I proceeded to give an emphatic fist-pump. I made a split second decision that if I was an actor in a hit TV show, that's how I'd want people to acknowledge my presence. Some people may think that I probably looked like a jack-ass, but not Jim. He appreciated my method and thanked me kindly. I feel like I have a special bond with Jim now.... not the actor, but the character. I'm definitely rooting for him to get with Pam on the show now. You go Jim!

Bombs over Jose Lima

"Ooooh say can you see??"- Of course I can see them, how could you miss those things? Jose Lima is a lucky man.

DIE! A Rhea is loose!

Sweet Jesus! I've never been so glad that I don't live in the UK as I was when I read this article. There's a six foot beast, called a Rhea, on the loose that "can run 20 mph, is incredibly strong and can kill with a single swipe of his six-inch claws or needle-shaped beak." Authorities are also quick to point out that the creature will not hesitate to gouge your eyes out.

Unfortunately this news breaks in the wake of Steve Irwin's death. I know his specialty was Crocodiles, but there's not a doubt in my mind that if he were still alive, Irwin would descend heroically from a helicopter, wrestle the deadly creature to the ground in ten seconds flat- laying the proverbial smack down, whisper sweet nothings into it's ear and then hop on it's back and ride it into the sunset.

Without the Croc Hunter, this behemoth is free to roam the countryside, terrorizing innocent Brits. It's like something out of a horror movie and my prayers are with the citizens of the United Kingdom.

P.S.- Who's the sick fu*k that dubbed this killing machine "Ralph"? That's like nicknaming the Black Plague, "Steve".

This particular Rhea, of the Caroline species, isn't super-strong, can't run 20 mph, but she probably IS capable of ripping your throat out with her six-inch talons or needle-shaped beak. So beware.


Dust in the wind....

I returned this weekend from hiatus, as I spent a week vacationing in the tropical location of Ipswich, Massachusetts and I come bearing bad news. The often imitated, but never duplicated Crocodile Hunter has met his end - and that end was the barbed, poisonous tail of.... a stingray??? I don't have a degree in zoology, but aren't stingrays basically floppy dinner plates with eyeballs? I can't think of the last time I've ever heard of anyone even being injured by a stingray, let alone killed by one. One report I found states that there have only been 17 documented stingray related deaths in this HISTORY OF THE WORLD. That's a long time.... and that makes it a pretty improbable and rare way to die.

As if that weren't crazy enough, here's a guy who not only stared the Grim Reaper in the eyes, but he grabbed it by the tail, stuck his thumb up it's butt and then engaged it in a death roll (While not for the squeamish, that video of an alligator performing a death roll will certainly give you a big rusty tin of appreciation for Mr. Steve Irwin if you didn't already have it). He did this on a daily basis, toying with hundreds of the planet's most dangerous species. If Fox created an America's Most Wanted for animals, hosted of course by John Walsh, I'd be willing to bet my allowance that the Croc Hunter had come face to face with 90% of the species that would be on said show and lived to tell a tale or two about it. So after all that, what's the one animal that does what none of these other bad-ass animals could do and managed to push Steve Irwin off this mortal coil? Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the stingray.... and something tells me the guy in this picture's not a trained animal handler

When my good buddy Alex Popcorn texted me to alert me of the tragedy, I laughed out loud at first. Not because I dislike the man and relish in his expiration, but because he was invincible. My laughter was shock induced! He was the Croc Hunter! He's had hundreds of snakes around his neck. He's had his hand on countless Crocodile tongues. He's probably even flicked a lion or two in the balls. I'm sure he's had a few close calls, but he always came out on top! If he was going to die, it wasn't going to be at the hands of an earthly creature. He was either passing due to natural causes, or getting hit by a truck... or so I thought.

Well as of September 4th, 2006, you can take that magic number of 17 stingray-related deaths and make it an 18. I watched a brief montage on the life and times of Steve Irwin last night when I was running on the treadmill and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got a little choked up. Here's a man who had such a deep passion for his work, he would literally spit with excitement during his show. He was an environmentalist, a family man, an animal lover and a philanthropist... not to mention, I know Alex and I will always chuckle our asses off at the thought of the old Opie and Anthony skit about him getting attacked by a one-eyed croc with a missing bottom-jaw. I also know that the tears I cry for the Crocodile Hunter and his family are not, in fact, crocodile tears.